National Lottery Good Causes Fund supported over 210 community projects in Mayo in 2018 and 2019

Data revealed by the National Lottery has shown how it continues to make a big impact on towns and communities right across Ireland, including Mayo. The study found that over 210 Good Causes projects were supported in Mayo in 2018 and 2019.

Nikki Gallagher, Head of Corporate Affairs at the National Lottery, said: "Approximately 91% of revenue generated by the National Lottery goes back into the community through prize winnings, funding for Good Causes and retailer commissions.

“With an average of 48,000 people in Mayo playing National Lottery games every week, a huge amount is raised for local community groups, projects and sports clubs each year.

"While it has been a challenging year for such organisations, National Lottery players are responsible for supporting thousands of organisations and groups in towns and villages across Ireland in the areas of Irish Language, Arts, Health and Wellbeing, Heritage, Rural and Community Development, Children and Youth Affairs and Sport. Nearly 30 cent in every €1 goes directly to the Good Causes Fund.

"Over 210 Good Causes projects were supported in Mayo in 2018 and 2019, and on average, 4,000 clubs, groups and voluntary organisations are supported every year across Ireland.

"One such organisation which has benefitted in the past from National Lottery funding in Co Mayo is St Brendan's Village in Mulranny, which is a unique not-for-profit residential care centre which provides services for older people within the local community. National Lottery Good Causes funding has helped to provide facilities and services that have enhanced the lives of the residents."


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