Physios look to 'Get Mayo Moving'

A group of over 60 Mayo Physiotherapists raised over €60,000 for Mayo University Hospital Patient Comfort and Care Fund on May Bank Holiday weekend 2020 while getting 'Mayo moving'.

Passion and drive for health promotion has led them to this point and the group has now created a facebook page GET MAYO MOVING to share evidenced based health information with Mayo people of all ages. They want to get people of all abilities moving and active and health aware.

Every month expert Chartered Physiotherapists in Mayo are set to explore a health topic and share resources with the public, to encourage activity and movement.

On the first Wednesday of every month at 9.10am, you can also tune into the Tommy Marren Show on Mid West Radio to hear up-to-date advice from a Physiotherapist on a chosen topic.

The first topic for September will be women's health, including topics of incontinence, pregnancy, postnatal issues and exercise, during these times.

All of the physiotherapists are experts in their fields and wish to share information to improve the health of the county. They hope that if you find any of the topics interesting or helpful that you can share the information with others who might benefit.

Stay tuned for further topics including low back pain, bone health and osteoporosis, chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD ), exercise and aging, paediatrics and the importance of movement for all.


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