€3.2m allocated for Mayo active travel and climate change adaptation measures

A total of €3,230,380 has been allocated for Active Travel and Climate Change Adaptation measures in Mayo under the Government’s July Jobs Stimulus Plan and is part of the overall €115 million package for sustainable transport and the renewal of transport infrastructure.

€2,428,900 was allocated under the active travel grant allocations for 27 different projects spread right across the county with major investments being made in a number of projects.

The funding included €170,000 for the extension of a footpath and cycle lane to Mount St Michael School in Claremorris; €118,000 for a walkability schema for St Patrick's NS in Castlebar; €80,000 for works on the Westport greenway; €202,000 for upgrading of pedestrian crossings in Ballina Town centre; €200,000 for footpath works in Westport town; €150,000 for replacement of deteriorated footpaths and a new stainless steel railing on the Shore Road in Belmullet, €122,000 for a new footpath link to existing paths and providing new zebra crossings on the Pound Road, Garryduff and Snugboro in Castlebar and €176,000 for a river walk in Charlestown; €195,400 for the construction of a cycle/footpath/greenway in Ballinrobe.

A total of €801,480 is being made available for climate change adaptation measures under the Department’s regional and local road maintenance and renewal grant programme for 20 projects in the county.

This funding included €78,000 for preventative works on the Keenagh to Crossmolina flood catchment, €69,050 for works on flood mitigation at Green Road in Foxford; €70,000 for strengthening banks at road edges in Ballyhankeen in Claremorris; €160,000 for restoration improvement of the carriageway pavement at Drumanaffrin and €40,000 for sea wall improvements in Belmullet.

Welcoming the funding, Deputy Michael Ring said: “The Active Travel grant scheme is a very positive initiative which will see communities across Mayo benefiting from improved and more accessible walking and cycling infrastructure as well as stimulating local employment." Deputy Dara Calleary also said he welcomed the funding, including a number of projects in Ballina that he was anxious will proceed.

Active travel grants

Claremount, Claremorris

€170,000 - An extension of footpath and cycle lane to Mount St. Michael Secondry School, which will complete cycle lane and footpath link to the town.

St. Patrick's NS Walkabiity Scheme

€118,000 -  Chapel Street/Rathbawn Road, Castlebar: introduce traffic calming - (a ) widen existing paths, dish kerbs, (b ) upgrade three existing crossings to reduce vehicle speeds, and improve pedestrian crossing points; (c ) provide two new crossing facilities; (d ) Provide cycle parking at school (.

Westport greenway works

(€80,000 )

Ballina town centre

€202,000 - For Tone Street, Tolan Street, O'Rahilly Street, McDermott Street, Fenian Row, Bunree Road, Church Road, Main Street Ballycastle, Ballycastle Road Killala, upgading of nine existing pedestrian crossings

Ballina town centre and Ballina approach road to Crossmolina town centre

€53,000 - For relining/upgrading of existing deteriorated cycle routes in Ballina and Crossmolina town and installation of signage, symbols and red anti-skid surfacing required at junctions. 


€200,000 - Footpath works - Newport Road, Johns Row, Quay Hill, Grove Park, build out of footpaths on Tober Hill, Upgrading of pedestrian crossings at various locations, Castlebar Street and Aghagower village. 

Lannagh cycle track link

€48,000 - For a new cycle way from N5 Westport Road to connect to Great Western Greenway and sports/amenity campus/GMIT at Lough Lannagh, and continue on to R311 Newport Road to rejoin Western Greenway, connecting St. Gerald's College; and new pedestrian crossing from town centre to amenity campus.


€ 30,000 - For construction of a cycle/footpath/greenway in Ballinrobe, section one.


€50,000 - Traffic calming measures and footpath reallignment including courtesy crossing.


€150,000 - Shore Road, replacement of severely deteriorated concrete footpath with new footpath and stainless steel railing.  

Ballina town trails

€32,000 - Beleek Woods to Ballina athletic track and looped walks - provision of a link footpath between the Beleek Woods and Ballina town walking trails and the athletic track.

Shramore, Newport

€57,000 - Resurfacing of loop walk road.

Castlebar town footpath link, Pound Road, Garryduff, Snugboro

€122,000 - For new footpath to link existing paths, widen existing paths; reduce vehicle speeds/provide traffic calming; improve two existing crossings, provide two new raised zebra crossings; provide cycle parking.


€176,000 - River walk.  


€35,000 - extension of footpath to school and graveyard.

Ballyvary path improvements

€73,000 - For surface existing path to enhance walking and cycling from village to school/sportsground; traffic calming/gateway at village.

Mweelin, Achill

€54,000 - For resurfacing of section of roadway of Achill cycle hub route.

Bangor Erris, Church Road

€120,000 - replacement of severely deteriorated concrete footpath with new footpath, including drainage alleviation and boundary fencing (concrete post and timber railing ). 

Mayo Abbey

€28,000 -new pedestrian crossing and path from school/sportsground/community centre/ church to connect to shop and housing south of village.


€68,400 and €127,000 - For construction of a cycle/footpath/greenway in Ballinrobe, section 2 and section 3.


€87,000 - For resurface existing walking track from communtiy centre/sportsground to village/school with AC bituminous material.

Bunnacurry, Achill

€ 42,000 - For resurfacing of section of roadway of Achill cycle hub route.

Causeway, Mulranny

€30,000 -  For pedestrian causeway rehabilitation.


€63,000 - To provide link from school to sports facilities/church to improve access and provide cycle park


€42,500 - For an extension of footpath in Barr Na Trimogue.

Fahy village

€71,000 - For an extension of existing footpath at the sports ground opposite the national school; provision of shared spaces and resurfacing of the road adjacent to the sports ground and school.

Climate change adaptation measures 

Keenagh to Crossmolina flood catchment 

€78,000 - For Garretts Rathmacostello, Creevy, Gortnahura, Ferrew - all theses areas are interlinked due to flooding from the same water courses/high-lands from Keenagh to Crossmolina town: preventative works such as drainage works to prevent flooding; consideration for altering the level of the road to mitigate flooding and reduce road closure frequency; remedial works where roads have been significantly damaged by recent severe weather events.

Bunduaile, Belmullet

€40,000 - For substantial sea wall improvement works.


€33,500 - For works at bridge on Fiddaunduff river to relieve scour damage and undermining the bridge structure, and protection of road.

Green Road, Foxford

€69,500 - For altering the level of the road to mitigate flooding and reduce road closure frequency.

Ballinrobe Demesne

€ 55,050 - Pipe area which regularly floods to adjacent drain/stream.


€17,500 - Drainage works to prevent road and house flooding, and reduce road closure frequency flooding .

Westport town, South Mall

€15,000 - To address build up of storm water during times when river is in flood, survey works to ascertain levels from this location to James Street bridge or Westport library or construction of pump sump with underground outlet to river downstream of Bridge Street bridge.


€25,000 - Preventative works such as drainage works to prevent flooding; remedial works where roads have been significantly damaged by recent severe weather events.

Glendavoolagh, Keenagh

€42,000 - For remedial Works where roads have been damaged by storms.


€11,600 - Drainage works to prevent road and house flooding, and reduce road flood frequency flooding.

Ballyhankeen, Claremorris

€70,000 - For placement of rock armour to strengthen banks at road edges.

Gortacurra, Ballinrobe

€14,500 - For drainage works to allievate flooding.


€14,500 - For drainage works to prevent road flooding, and reduce road flood frequency flooding.


€30,000 - For a study of flood area, preparation of design options, etc. to prevent the road flooding during times of coastal and/or fluvial flooding; design of suitable river channel at road bridge and outfall to sea to prevent further undermining and erosion from river and tidal/sea action - also forms part of protection for road and local houses and their accesses.


€160,000 - For restoration Improvement of carriageway pavement.

Rausakerra North, Kilmaine

€14,480 - For the repair to  road due to flood damage

Cross East, Ballinrobe

€ 11,650 - For repair to road due to flood damage.

Fahy, Ballycroy

€50,000 - For preventative works to prevent flooding; raise road level.

Cross East, Ballinrobe

€16,850 - Repair road due to flood damage.


€33,000 - For raise road above flood level.


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