Funding available for Bike Week events

Due to the postponement of Bike Week 2020 in June 2020, Mayo Sports Partnership is pleased to announce a new date for the event from September 19 to 27.

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Eamonn Ryan TD has asked people up and down the country to be ready to "Get on their bikes in advance of National Bike Week which will take place from September 19 to 27 , this year."

Minister Ryan added: "The benefits to be gained from cycling are immense. They include improved health, reduced traffic congestion, better air quality, improved accessibility to transport, and reduced costs. Cycling is a fantastic way to get from A to B, to enjoy the countryside or just to get some air and exercise. It will benefit all of us if we can increase the number of cyclists on our roads while keeping them safe."

Charlie Lambert, Sports Co-Ordinator with Mayo Sports Partnership, said: "Bike Week 2020 is the perfect opportunity for children, teenagers, families and older adults to get on their bikes, get active and have some fun. We will have a number of Bike Week events happening around Mayo and we encourage as many people as possible to get out cycling as part of Bike Week 2020."

Mayo Sports Partnership / Mayo County Council in partnership with the local Bike Week Steering Committee is now inviting applications for funding from interested community groups / sports clubs for Bike Week 2020 events. Grants for clubs / community groups are available up to a potential maximum of €300 to €500 per event (depending on the scale of the event ).

While current restrictions limit outdoor groups to 15 participants up to September 13, it is hoped this may be relaxed somewhat after this date.

If your group is interested in promoting cycling as part of a fun, national programme, this is an ideal opportunity to apply for funding to help deliver your event.

Full details on how to apply for funding or to download the application form are available on or contact Mayo Sports Partnership at [email protected] or phone (094 ) 9064360.


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