Is your itchy scalp causing you distress?

Are you tired of using different over-the-counter products and shampoo and still do not know what is going on with your scalp? Why not visit a specialist who specialises in hair and scalp condition.

An itchy scalp is a common problem that can cause frustrating symptoms, such as frequent scratching and discomfort.

Sometimes, an itchy scalp is accompanied by visible signs, such as scabbed or flaking skin. Other times, your scalp can itch without any skin changes.

Although an itchy scalp doesn’t typically indicate anything severe, it can be a symptom of an underlying condition. Below you’ll find out what might be causing your itchy scalp, along with how to treat and prevent it.

What causes an itchy scalp?


The most common cause of an itchy scalp is a type of dermatitis often occurring in areas of oil-secreting glands, including the scalp and face. If the glands become inflamed, you can experience: itching, flaking, reddened skin, yellow or white scales.

Some potential causes include: a yeast overgrowth on the skin, seasonal changes, hormonal fluctuations or stress.

Other causes

Scalp itchiness may simply be the result of a sensitive scalp. However, it can also indicate an underlying medical condition. Potential causes of an itchy scalp include: dermatitis, some medical condition, allergic reaction to medication, irritation due to something your scalp came in contact with, such as a new shampoo, dye, viral infection of the scalp.

What are the symptoms of an itchy scalp?

An itchy scalp can feel tingly or painful. Scratching or itching your scalp may feel good since it may help you feel better but that could cause pain and lead to a secondary infection which could result in long-term hair loss.

Symptoms that can accompany scalp itching include: bald patches, dry skin, irritated skin, low-grade fever, pus-filled sores, redness, scales or patches on the scalp, scalp swelling.

When should you seek medical help?

If the itchiness doesn’t go away in a few days and is accompanied by hair loss, pain, sores, or intense itching, see your trichologist; one who specialises in hair and scalp conditions and treatments.

In addition to a physical exam, most specialists such as trichologists can diagnose the cause of your itchy scalp through a careful examination and review of your medical history.

What are itchy scalp treatments?

Treatment for your itchy scalp depends on its cause. For example, scaly scalp conditions such as dandruff and Psoriasis are treated through frequent hair washing with special topical agents. Each scalp medication works in a unique way, such as by reducing oil on the scalp or killing fungus.

At Ribí Clinic, their in-house natural trichological products work by removing the scales without any damage to the scalp. Their products have anti-septic and anti-itch properties.

If your itchy scalp is due to an allergic reaction, you should refrain from using the product that caused the reaction and speak to a specialist if the reaction is severe.

There are multiple other causes of itchy scalp not covered here. The best way to find out what’s causing your itchy scalp is to have a medical professional take a look at your scalp in order to get a correct diagnosis with the right treatment plan to be followed.

How can I prevent an itchy scalp?

Reduce your risk of an itchy scalp by washing your hair regularly using the right shampoo for your scalp type to remove built-up oils. Wash your hair in warm — but not excessively hot — water, to avoid irritating and drying out the scalp.

To reduce allergic reactions, try to avoid using products that contain: dyes, fragrances and chemicals

If your itchy scalp is causing you distress, don’t suffer alone, seek help, because for all you know, that symptom could be a consequence of an ongoing health condition which has been diagnosed, or of which you are not aware of.

Early intervention is key because a healthy scalp provides a good environment for healthy hair - hence contact a hair loss and scalp specialist clinic such as Ribí clinic, who have treated so many with scalp conditions in their clinic using their in-house preparations

For more information contact RIBÍ Trichology Clinic on (094 ) 9303000 /(071 ) 9103200.


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