Pressure needs to be kept up on Kilnageer crossing - McDonnell

Pressure needs to be kept up on Irish Rail to ensure that a bridge is built at Kilnageer, outside of Castlebar, a local councillor said this week.

Fianna Fáil Cllr Al McDonnell welcomed that Irish Rail did attend a meeting at the crossing with councillors, council staff and locals this week and that they did give commitments to carry out some more safety works at the location.

However he said he was disappointed that when pressed, Irish Rail could not commit to having a bridge built at the location. He said this was the number one priority in the area regarding dangerous crossings and pressure would have to be kept up on Irish Rail to construct a bridge. He added that planning permission will be applied for, for the bridge, but that had happened before and still the bridge had not been built, so the pressure needed to be kept up.


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