Scoil Acla cancelled for first time in 35 years

For the first time in 35 years, the difficult decision has been taken to cancel Achill’s traditional music and cultural summer school

Coiste Scoil Acla CCÉ wishes to advise that due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, they must regretfully announce the complete cancellation of the 2020 Summer School. Scoil Samhraidh Scoil Acla was due to take place from July 25 to August 1 this year.

Cathaoirleach of Scoil Acla CCÉ, Sarah Calvey, explained: "This has been a very difficult and disappointing decision for our branch and for our committee to arrive at. Our annual summer school has grown substantially year-on-year and brings hundreds of new and regular tutors, attendees and their families to our parish for a week of culture, craic agus ceol each year.

"However, restrictions which are envisaged to continue into the summer, would pose a number of practical challenges to the normal running of the summer school in relation to venues and physical distancing. We must also take into account the staging of the Leaving Certificate exams which are due to take place during what is, traditionally, Scoil Acla week.

"Whilst obviously disappointing for many, this decision has been taken in the best interest of the health and safety of our voluntary staff, tutors, students and the wider Achill community.

"The branch was very much looking forward to marking the 110 year anniversary of the foundation of the school and 35 years since its revival, at our Scoil Samhraidh this year. As this will not be possible in July, we hope to organise a celebratory night near the end of the year, should circumstances allow - details of which will be shared closer to the time.

"The committee would like to thank our attendees, volunteers, tutors, local providers and the wider Achill community for their understanding and continued support. We wish each of you a safe and happy period ahead and we look forward to reuniting with you all again very soon," concluded Ms Calvey.

Those who have booked a place for this year will be issued with a refund in the coming weeks. Scoil Samhraidh Scoil Acla 2021 will take place from Saturday, July 24 to Saturday, July 31. You can keep in touch with on social media and on their website or you may contact them at or phone (085 ) 8819548.


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