Coivd-19 community collaboration at Local Link Mayo

Helping people to stay at home is the new role of Local Link Mayo rural transport services.

Local Link Mayo is offering a collect and deliver service throughout the county, from pharmacies and local shops for passengers, delivering critical medical supplies and meals to the elderly, the vulnerable and sick, within rural areas.

With funding to support the National Transport Authority and HSE, the response to Covid-19 includes working with Mayo County Council Community Response Team, An Garda Síochána, voluntary groups and a number of agencies to ensure the elderly and vulnerable members of the community can avail of a trusted and coordinated support services over the coming weeks and months.

The community response has worked well linking in with Superintendent Kevin Gately, Garda Community Engagement and his team members Sergeant Kieran McGinty and Garda Linus Fahy and Garda Michelle Murray of Westport and Newport Garda Stations.

The community policing team are working with Local Link transport providers Michael O’Haire, Stephen Keane, Michael Lavelle and Louisburg Senior Resource Group Community Car to coordinate deliveries to some of the county’s most vulnerable residents.

Local Link have teamed up with the Community Response Coordination Centre, based at the Achill Tourism offices at Achill Sound to provide a delivery service for the entire Achill parish.

Speaking about the response in Achill Sarah Togher, Local Link, said: "I am pleased to say that Local Link operators and drivers are more than willing to cooperate and work with communities like Achill to ensure essential delivers are provided to keep people safe at home at this critical time.

"Chris McCarthy and the team at Achill Tourism are doing fantastic work in their local co-ordination role and this in turn has led to an increase in demand on the island for Local Link Services. To complement this the support from the community policing team has helped to identify those most in need at this time."

As the Covid-19 situation continues to evolve, Local Link Mayo is aware that this uncertain period is concerning to many throughout the county. Local Link Mayo is following all guidelines issued by the NTA and continues to follow all public health guidelines issued by the Chief Medical Officer and the HSE.

If you need such support or know someone who does, contact Local Link Mayo on (094 ) 900 5150/(086 ) 029 3728 or email between 9am and 5pm.


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