Extinction Rebellion Mayo to hold public meeting in GMIT Mayo

On Thursday March 5 at 7pm, members of Extinction Rebellion Mayo (XR Mayo ) will hold a public meeting entitled ‘Heading For Extinction and What To Do About It’ on GMIT Campus, Castlebar as part of a series of climate-focussed talks organised by GMIT Green Campus to call attention to the climate and biodiversity emergency and to facilitate a planning session for concerned citizens to take action.

Extinction Rebellion argue that the growing climate catastrophe is jeopardizing both animal and human life, saying that the science is clear 'but that world governments have yet to respond adequately to the threat, the effects of which we can already see in the news and all around us: Australia has been ravaged by unprecedented wildfires, Ireland has endured a terrible storm and flooding season, smaller island nations such as Kiribati are being forced to leave their lands due to sea levels rising.'

Extinction Rebellion cointinued: "Political trends we are seeing around the world such as the rise of the far right are only going to worsen as catastrophic weather patterns displace millions. Erratic weather will continue to put a strain on our food systems which are now threatened with collapse, and all the while our leaders continue to talk of "growth" and make plans to import fracked gas onto our shores, when the world's leading climate scientists are telling us we must leave fossil fuels in the ground if we are to have a chance. Furthermore, at least one million species of plants and animals are facing extinction due to human activity (IPBES 2019 ). It’s widely known that bee colonies, for example, are dropping at an alarming rate, and these pollinators are essential for our eco- and food-systems."

Extinction Rebellion added: We need to change how we are living; humanity must alter its relationship with nature and we must all work together to avert disaster. The task is huge, the time-frame is short, but the future can be bright if we act now. Extinction Rebellion are working towards a world of compassion, connection and regeneration, where local communities are strong and nature is respected.

"Grassroots movements have achieved monumental success throughout history, and it is upon this legacy that we will gather in Castlebar on March 5 to hold space to plan and build resilience for what lies ahead. The results of the recent general election show that people are ready for change, and Extinction Rebellion Mayo aim to be the catalyst."

The meeting will involve a presentation of the current climate science, as well as a run-through of Extinction Rebellion as an organisation, and the concepts of civil disobedience and mass movements.

The central part of the evening will be a break-out session where XR Mayo will provide the opportunity for groups to focus on what can be done in Mayo. Proposed projects will focus on issues such as transport, energy, food, regenerative culture, and climate action such as that highlighted in the news over this past year.


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