Pelvic Physiotherapy for relief from bowel symptoms

We all know the dreadful feeling of needing the bathroom suddenly to empty the bowels while having coffee with friends or while out shopping and how humiliating and embarrassing it is to be caught short and pass stool. Worse still is the fear of not being able to control wind or gas. Help is available to give yourself back your freedom without fear of bowel leaks and to ensure optimal bowel emptying and solve constipation!

Aoife Ni Eochaidh, Chartered Physiotherapist and Winner of the BPW & Irish Permanent Galway Young Business Woman of Year Award offers physiotherapy for Men, Women & children for pelvic conditions and incontinence. Aoife is an experienced and passionate chartered physiotherapist who runs her private clinic from Suite 14, Bon Secours Consultant Clinic in Renmore, Galway.

Aoife wishes all her patients a very happy New Year and hopes patients can tr

Dr Syed Rizvi, Consultant Physician; Dr Ciara Clarke; Grace Hallinan, Dietitian; Dr Eoin Keating and Emer Mulvihill, Clinical Nurse Manager at Mayo University Hospital with the hand hygiene poster which is at the entrance to all wards to remind staff, visitors and patients of the importance of hand hygiene.

By to keep up their pelvic floor exercises, electrotherapy and retraining in the New Year! Some of Aoife’s patients may wish to attend again after Christmas for a refresher course of treatment. Aoife advises keeping up the pelvic floor training for life for optimal results and it’s never too late to start again or begin properly.

Weak pelvic floor muscles can give bowel symptoms of difficulty emptying the bowel, bowel incontinence (wind and stool ) and vaginal wall and bowel prolapse. Aoife cautions that when the bowel is not emptying fully it can be a real drain on our energy levels, it can affect sleep and ability to undertake general exercise.

Aoife uses modern non-invasive evidence-based technologies to treat the root cause and ensure excellent results.

Bowel problems and Incontinence and Symptoms of Pelvic Floor Muscle Problems are awful, but with treatment the results are great! To book an appointment, a refresher appointment or for further information email [email protected] or ring 087 2863013


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