Castlebar Toastmasters to hold open house

Speaking in public is something that can be a daunting prospect for many people but yet, being able to confidently in public is something that has become a requirement for so many activities today.

That might be delivering a wedding speech, doing a job interview or pitching your business idea to investors.

‘Confidence comes with Competence’. Toastmasters clubs offer a safe and enjoyable way of becoming more competent and confident in communicating with in public.

Meetings include a table topic session where all members get an opportunity in speaking off-the-cuff for a few minutes, there are then three or four prepared speeches where members typically speak for five to seven minutes on a topic of interest to themselves or the audience. The final part of the meeting offers an opportunity for speakers to get feedback from another club member.

Club members develop their leadership and communications skills through the ‘Pathways’ Educational Programme which offer 11 paths: (1 ) Dynamic Leadership, (2 ) Effective Coaching, (3 ) Engaging Humour, (4 ) Innovative Planning, (5 ) Leadership Development, (7 ) Motivational Strategies, (8 ) Persuasive Influence, (9 ) Presentation Mastery, (10 ) Visionary Communication, (11 ) Team Collaboration and Strategic Relationships.

Pathways helps members develop real-world, transferable skills in many different areas: communication, leadership, management, strategic planning, service to others, public speaking and more.

Most importantly, Toastmasters meetings are enjoyable and informative, and this January Castlebar Toastmasters are inviting members of the public to a special ‘Open House’ Event which will be held in the Mayo Education Centre on Tuesday, January 21, 7.45pm to 10pm. This event is free to members of the public.

Castlebar Toastmasters which is affiliated to Toastmasters International was established in 2016 and is one of four clubs in Mayo. There are also clubs in Ballina and Westport and a new Advanced Toastmasters Club in Claremorris.

Toastmasters International is a worldwide non-profit educational organization that empowers individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Headquartered in Englewood, Colorado., the organization's membership exceeds 358,000 in more than 16,800 clubs in 143 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators and leaders.

To find our more about the Castlebar Toastmasters, please check out the club website at or contact Tom Fahy, Club President (086 ) 0830930 or email: [email protected] or on Twitter: @castlebartms. 


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