Saoirse McHugh to speak at United Against Racism launch night

The Mayo Branch of United Against Racism will have its official launch night on Tuesday, November 19, at 8pm in the Ivy Tower Hotel, Castlebar.

Members of the public are invited to come along and join in the discussion with guest speakers Saoirse McHugh, Green Party Dáil Candidate, Joe Loughnane, Galway Anti Racism Network (GARN ), Memet Uludag, National Coordinator of UAR and a speaker from Mayo Intercultural Action - yet to be confirmed.

According to United Against Racism (UAR ), it is a membership based grassroots democratic organisation which hosts activities against all forms of racism and discrimination, including Islamophobia, anti semitism and anti traveller racism.

UAR is against all scapegoating of migrants and minorities and calls for the abolition of the Direct Provision System and supports the call for amnesty for asylum seekers and the normalisation of all undocumented migrant workers in Ireland, while opposing all deportations.

UAR’s main focus is to campaign against racism but they are also opposed to all other forms of oppression and discrimination, including sexism, anti-trans discrimination, homophobia, discrimination against the disabled, people with mental health difficulties and religious minorities. It stands in solidarity with groups, movements and campaigns working to oppose such forms of oppression.

Joe Daly, founder and spokesperson of UAR Mayo, who will chair the meeting, stated: "We feel it is very important to build a broad vibrant network of people from a variety of backgrounds and across political lines to work together to stop the spread of racist sentiment in Ireland and to help build a grassroots campaign to tackle the underlying causes of the problem. We would like to invite the people of Mayo to help us build this organisation, we welcome the affiliation of other organisations and encourage people to join as members."


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