Building up your inner resources for dealing with stress

Do you have wall to wall, floor to ceiling self-help books at home? Each time you see a new title do you think aha ... this one has the answer!

It’s all very well knowing the theory, reading about it again and again in different ways in different books, but we have got to do something about it. Paradoxically the most effective way of ‘doing’ something about it is by practising ‘non-doing’ (as referred to by Jon Kabat-Zinn ).

In this stressful modern world, for a lot of us the mind can be full of fear and anxiety, the body can also ‘hold’ this fear and anxiety. As the mind and body cry out for rest and rejuvenation we just push ourselves further and further. The body rarely stops and the mind never stops. The end result is that we are literally ‘running on empty’.

Even when we lie down in bed at night and finally ‘still’ the body, the mind seems busier than ever, making it difficult to sleep.

The Sui package (double CD plus step by step booklet ) is an investment in good health and well-being. Sui offers a wide range of options from five minutes to 20 minutes. It builds up you inner resources for dealing with stress. It allows the mind and body to really rest, it promotes restful sleep and brings balance to your life.

Derval’s next seven week evening course in mindfulness meditation and relaxation begins Tuesday April 21 in Westport telephone 098 27629 or 087 288 8740 for further information. Sui is in health shops, book shops and online at


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