The nail biting wait for exam results is over - with Leaving Certificate results coming out on Tuesday, August 13.
Samaritans is asking the 60,000 pupils receiving their marks, and those who care for them, to put wellbeing ahead of grades and ask for help if they’re struggling.
Samaritans is reminding students and parents that they are there to offer support for anyone, including those who are anxious or those who don’t get the results they were aiming for.
Niall Mulligan, Executive Director for Samaritans Ireland, said exam stress can have a negative influence on the mental health of young people: "Teenagers and parents need to remember that while exam results are important, it is equally important to support those who are struggling to cope with the pressure or who are unhappy with their achievements.
"Samaritans volunteers are available around the clock, seven days a week, providing emotional support and a listening ear to anyone who needs help on freephone 116 123. Anyone who feels uncomfortable talking on the phone can email or text 087 260 9090 (standard text rates apply ).”
Over the last five years Samaritans volunteers have answered almost three million calls for help, with demand on email and text message increasing month on month.
Among the callers are students who find themselves struggling to cope when sitting major exams in June, when the results are issued in August, as they wait for a college place, and when they move to start a college course away from home.
Mr Mulligan added: “Many young people put themselves under enormous pressure to achieve well, and if they don’t get the points they hoped for their mental health may suffer. We urge them, and parents and carers, to try and keep things in perspective and look after their wellbeing during this time."