On Friday and Saturday July 19 and 20 at 8pm, Ballina Arts Centre will host Mayo Youth Theatre’s production of Arthur Miller’s, The Crucible.
Set in the year 1692, it depicts a dark period of American history, during which time the Salem Witch Trials took place. The Trials created widespread paranoia and tension among locals and the families of those accused of being involved with the dark arts of witchcraft, and acting against Christian God’s law. The production is directed by Head Facilitator Ronan Colhoun and stars members of Mayo Youth Theatre, in both onstage and backstage roles.
Tickets €8 (concessions €5 ) are available from www.ballinaartscentre.com Early booking is advised.
Established in 1999, Mayo Youth Theatre is an initiative of Mayo County Council, aimed at anyone aged between 14 and 22 years with an interest in all aspects of drama, whether it is acting (for theatre or film ), music, dance, sound, lighting, production management and scriptwriting. MYT not only aims to facilitate the enjoyment of drama but also aims to promote, develop and support high quality youth theatre. It emphasises personal and social development equally with the attainment of artistic and creative development skills. In youth theatre personal and social developments are as important as learning and exploring artistic skills. Mayo Youth Theatre is a member of Youth Theatre Ireland.
For more information contact Mayo Arts Service, Mayo County Council, 094 9064376, mayoarts@mayococo.ie.