Dawn Meats raise €4,000 for Motor Neurone Disease

The Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association (IMNDA ) have thanked all the staff in Dawn Meats, Ballyhaunis for holding a Drink Tea for MND event and raising the fantastic sum of €4,000. The cheque was presented to the IMNDA Nurse, Fidelma Rutledge, on Friday last.

Fidelma Rutledge, IMNDA Nurse said: "We cannot thank everyone from Dawn Meats enough for their fantastic support. Drink Tea for MND is one of our main fundraisers of the year that enables us to continue providing vital supports to the MND Community in Mayo and throughout Ireland. Without support such as this from Dawn Meats, we would be unable to continue providing vital services for people living with Motor Neurone Disease."

Dawn Meats held their Tea Morning as part of the IMNDA’s National Awareness month of June. The IMNDA is the primary support organisation for those affected by Motor Neurone Disease. The IMNDA provides specialised services for people affected by this debilitating disease such as equipment on loan, financial assistance towards home help, advice and home visits by MND Nurse. There are currently over 370 people living with MND in Ireland, 26 of which are living in Mayo.

Motor Neurone Disease (MND ) is a progressive neurological condition that attacks the motor neurones, or nerves, in the brain and spinal cord. This means messages gradually stop reaching muscles, which leads to weakness and wasting. MND can affect how you walk, talk, eat, drink and breathe. MND is often referred to as the 1,000 day disease as most people die within 1,000 days of symptom onset. One person dies every three days from MND.


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