Mulranny children show creativity for Entente Florale

Pupils from Mulranny National School recently brought their creative skills to the local beach in preparation for the visit of the international Entente Florale adjudicators.

While the tide was way out on Mulranny's spectacular beach, the children recreated the Entente Florale logo. Having firstly collected and washed thousands of shells on the beach, they proceeded to write the text of the logo on the sand. Then adding the finishing touches of the twelve yellow roses, crouched and clad in their high-viz vests they created the international competition logo.

Explaining the project, school principal Louise Crowley said: "Some of the pupils came up with the idea on one of their many nature walks to the beach. We are so lucky to have this great natural environment right on our doorstep."

Unfortunately, all the children's great work was washed away within hours with the arrival of high tide. However, their efforts were captured on film, and are included in the Entente Florale portfolio, which now is available for all the world to see on the competition website:


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