Mayo man wins Spirit of the Games award at the Go for Life Games

A team representing Mayo competed at the 2019 National Go for Life Games held in DCU on Saturday, June 8. The competition included twenty-four teams of older people donning their county colours, participating in a day of fun and sport.

The Go for Life Games brings together almost 300 older people from all over Ireland to compete, be active and most importantly, to have fun meeting and competing against their peers from every other county. Now in its eighth year, it has grown to become one of the biggest social sports events for older people in Ireland.

Go for Life is the National Sport and Physical Activity Programme for Older People, run by Age & Opportunity and funded by Sport Ireland. The Go for Life programme and the National Games event demonstrate that sport is for everyone no matter what age or ability.

With 24 teams from 20 counties competing, Mayo faced some stiff competition on the day. What began as a small pilot event with seven counties taking part in 2012 is now a year round phenomenon, with groups of older adults training, practising and competing, with some coming through heats in their counties in order to compete in the finals in DCU.

A member of the Mayo team won a Spirit of the Games Award, given to individuals who encourage a spirit of fair play and solidarity, during the final. Sean Harkin showed great sportsmanship throughout and welcomed a new teammate (from Dublin ) who stepped in as last minute replacement, like one of his own county men.

Sean commented: “We were thrilled at the reception we received in DCU and how well run the games event was. The personnel are terrific, and the volunteers for Go for Life are great. The quality of the competition and the personal relationship and camaraderie between everyone was really wonderful.”

Sue Guildea, Physical Activity Programme Manager for Age & Opportunity expressed delight at the great atmosphere on the day: "The National Games are always the highlight of the Age & Opportunity calendar each year. There is a great buzz around the day which reflects the build-up in each county with leagues, blitz days and weekly games happening in local communities, sports hubs, men’s sheds and sports clubs around the country. The beauty of the Go for Life Games is they have been adapted from existing sports so that they are open to adults of all abilities."

All the teams come together from Active Retirement groups, social clubs, Men’s Sheds, sports clubs, ICA’s, Go for Life groups and other community groups and are supported year round by their Local Sports Partnerships.

To find out more about the Go for Life initiative in your county, contact Age and Opportunity on (01 ) 805 7738 or visit


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