Exhibition continues at The National Museum of Ireland, Country Life

An exhibition celebrating the visual arts in Mayo which was a focal point of the Mayo Day 2019 festival, continues until Friday, June 7 at The National Museum of Ireland, Country Life in Turlough Park.

The open invitation show to artists from or living in Mayo, co-ordinated by Breda Mayock and supported by Mayo.ie, Mayo Arts Service and The Nation Museum of Ireland, Country Life, was selected by the Interim Director at The Model, Sligo, Emer McGarry.

Emer McGarry is a curator and cultural leader based in the west of Ireland. She is Interim Director at The Model, home of The Niland Collection in Sligo, one of Ireland’s largest and most important centres for the contemporary arts.

Mayo is a county that is rich in the visual arts and the exhibition presents a selection of work in a variety of media and offers a wonderful view of the breadth of arts practice in the county. Some of the art can be viewed in Turlough House, a beautiful location for the art, spread out over the entrance hall, library and drawing room.

The other location is the Glass Corridor, to the right of the main museum entrance. It showcases artists with connections to Mayo over a range of ages and disciplines – including Mick O’Dea, Joanna Hopkins, Niamh O’Malley, Pat harris, Conor O’Grady, Aidan Crotty and Amelia Stein, to name a few. Overall forty-three artists are included in the exhibit, offering a great range of work to be seen in a beautiful location.

Artists of Mayo is a unique opportunity to celebrate Mayo’s artistic talents. It is an ambitious and inclusive celebration of local artists and a must see for those who embrace the vast myriad of talents to be found across our county.


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