Mayo farmer recognised for dairy farming excellence

Declan Lynn from Crossmolina has been acknowledged for his contribution to dairy farming excellence at the Aurivo Milk Quality Awards.

Now in its 12th year, the awards recognise the standard of excellence in dairy farming by Aurivo milk suppliers, as well as their dedication and commitment to milk production in the previous year. The awards also recognise the winner’s contributions to maintaining high standards of animal welfare and ensuring the environment and rural communities thrive for future generations.

The prizes were awarded at a special ceremony at the Radisson Hotel Sligo on May 8 and presented by special guest John Jordan, CEO of Ornua.

Declan Lynn received the award for Lowest TBC Manufacturing Milk. After collecting his prize Lynn recalled farming on the family farm for as long as he can remember, having grown up on a farm that has been passed from generation to generation for over 100 years. In 2009, Declan’s father retired from farming and signed over the farm to Declan. Since then, Declan has been milking 25 British Holstein Friesians on 26 hectares.

Commenting at the Awards, Pat Duffy, Chairman of Aurivo said: "The Milk Quality Awards celebrate the standard of excellence in dairy farming across our region. Each individual award winner tonight has shown the utmost commitment in producing high quality milk but also high standards of animal welfare and ensuring our co-op, environment and rural communities thrive for future generations.

"Farming is a family affair and so I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Declan Lynn, and your family that supports you. We are looking forward to a continued successful partnership for many more years to come."


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