Castlebar and Westport Tidy Towns thank poster free candidates

Castlebar and Westport Tidy Towns groups came together this week to thank those local and European Election candidates who have gone poster free during the election campaign. Both towns have had initiatives to ensure the town is free from posters and the associated litter and environmental damage they bring with them.

Liam Campion, chairperson of Westport Tidy Towns said: "In the 2014 local elections an estimated 611,000 posters, all single use plastic, were erected at a combined cost of €3million and then after 30 days most of these were sent to landfill where they will take over 400 years to biodegrade."

Alan Mee, chairperson of Castlebar Tidy Towns praised ‘the courage of those candidates who put the community first and led by example by going poster free’.

Castlebar Tidy Towns meet each Monday night, 7pm at Mayo Peace Park and Westport Tidy Towns meet each Tuesday night, 7pm at the Octagon. Come along to help and make the planet beautiful, one town at a time.


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