Road health a serious concern - Loftus

The 'state of health of the roads' is a serious issue that needs to be addressed, according to independent candidate for the Castlebar electoral area, Gerry Loftus.

Speaking this week Loftus said: "Having now travelled 80 per cent of the electoral area it is quite clear that a state of emergency must be declared regarding our secondary and minor roads, they are in desperate condition due to complete mismanagement and neglect.

"One woman told me it was 23 years since their road was tarred, they come an odd time to fill some of the potholes and God knows when she will see them again, certainly many of the roads I've travelled are not fit for a car to travel on, a jeep or tractor yes but not a car.

"In this day and age to think we have roads like they have in third world countries is unbelievable and the same people that are allowing this to happen have no problem walking up to your door and asking you to vote for them.

"If elected I will be holding meetings in every community center, we must be able to contact one another if we are going to work together, text and Whats App groups must be set up for each village or parish whatever suits. All I hear from other candidates is they would like to see this and they would like to see that, it's not what we like in this life, it's what we must make happen to the best of our ability - because the condition of all these roads is now so bad we must demand financial aid from the exchequer because simply the allocation per councillor for roads would not scratch the surface, and I will be calling on all elected councillors to support this proposal.

"I have talked to many on the campaign trail about the state of Mayo University Hospital and in particular the Accident and Emergency department, many are prepared to support a campaign for an upgrade of the hospital and a new A&E which was promised some time ago but never happened.

"We must unite as a people and stop accepting degrading treatment. We proved in Irish Natura And Hill Farmers Association that people power does work, it is crazy that people have to wait six, eight, 10 hours to see a doctor and then end up on a trolley and no politician bothers to do anything.

"They should be leaving their political parties in their droves if they were representing the people, they are not or they won't so it's up to us, it is my intention to hold a public meeting in Castlebar on this issue sometime after the election."


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