Aware Life Skills Programme in Westport

Aware, the organisation providing support, education and information services around depression and bipolar disorder, has announced that its popular Life Skills Group Programme is now open for registration in Westport.

Developed by the renowned cognitive behaviour therapy specialist (CBT ), Dr Chris Williams, the Life Skills Programme is designed to help people learn more about how we think and how this can influence our actions in helpful or unhelpful ways. The free programme, nine hours over the course of six weeks, will teach attendees how to better manage the stress of everyday life, recognise and manage unhelpful thoughts, learn new ways of thinking and ultimately begin the journey to a healthier and more confident life. Over 2,500 people participated in 120 programmes nationwide in 2018.

The Aware Life Skills Group Programme will begin on Wednesday March 13 at Hotel Westport. Online registration for the programme is now open and places are available to anyone over 18. Those interested in attending are encouraged to book quickly as places are limited.

The programme is free to attend, however there is a refundable €30 booking deposit in place to ensure participants that really want to book a place have the opportunity to do so. The booking fee will be refunded by contacting Aware once all six modules in the course have been completed. Reduced booking fees are available for students, the unemployed, OAPs or those in possession of a medical card.

To register and book your place visit


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