‘Ireland Unaware of Consequences of Untreated Hearing Loss’

Global Survey for World Hearing Day Reports Poor Hearing Health Record for Ireland

World Hearing Day, held on 3 March each year, aims to promote ear and hearing health and to raise awareness of how to prevent hearing loss.

According to Hidden Hearing Ireland CEO, Stephen Leddy, its latest global survey indicated a poor track record for the Irish when it comes to looking after their hearing health.

“Significant delays in the time taken by individuals to have their hearing tested and to seek treatment, were identified, combined with reluctance to use a hearing aid when needed”, he reported.

"22% in the Irish survey admitted waiting five years or more before seeking medical help for hearing loss. This was the highest figure in the global sample for treatment delay.

"Similarly, only 50% with hearing loss said they had a hearing test in the past three years and 35% did not have treatment, even when a problem was identified.

"Only 25% in the Irish survey, with mild to severe hearing loss, use hearing aids, whereas the global average is 51%. In countries like the USA and Australia, over 66% with hearing loss use hearing aids.

"In Ireland however, taking an eye test regularly, recorded at 67%, and wearing glasses or lenses, at 71%, were above the global averages of 53% and 61% respectively.

"While poor eyesight is something we refuse to live with in Ireland, it appears we Irish are more willing to suffer hearing loss", said Leddy.

Book a free hearing test in your local Hidden Hearing clinic and support World hearing Day on March 3. You can call 1800 882 884 to book into any Hidden Hearing Clinic nationwide. Also, you can visit online at hiddenhearing.ie


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