If you would like an item included in the North Mayo Community Diary, submit it to news@mayoadvertiser.ie by 5.30pm on the Monday before the next publication date.
Wellness course in Ballina
Are you a family member of someone experiencing mental health difficulties? Then the Taking Care of Your Own Wellness course that is starting on Wednesday November 7 in the Ballina Further Education Centre, could be for you. The Bealach Nua course is being run by Relative Peer Support Service and Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB. The course will run from 7.30pm to 9.30pm, booking is essential and costs €20. For more information contact Karen on (087 ) 9749288.
Music Classes in Eachléim
Music classes take place in Halla Bhreandáin Eachléim on Thursdays at 6pm, a variety of musical instrument lessons are available. For more information contact eolas@ionaddeirbhile.ie or call (097 ) 85727.
Dementia Dance Club
Community Action on Dementia is a free dance club for people living with dementia and their families/carers, being run in the Ballina Family Resource Centre every Thursday from 2.30pm to 4pm. Light refreshments served. For more information ring Francis on (086 ) 8366312 for more info.
Masterclass aimed at drama facilitators in Ballina
As part of Mayo Arts Service's Excel Youth Arts and Professional Development programmes, Mayo Arts Service is working with Youth Theatre Ireland in providing a one-day masterclass in Laying the Foundations: A guide to Youth Drama Facilitation. This masterclass will be delivered by Dave Kelly from Youth Theatre Ireland, author of Laying the Foundations: a guide to youth drama facilitation. It will take place on Tuesday November 6 in Ballina Arts Centre from 10am to 5pm. Bookings are via Mayo Arts Service, by email to: Mayoarts@mayococo.ie or by calling (094 ) 9064367/(094 ) 9064376. This is a free event but booking is essential.
Mayo Cancer Support Organisation
Mayo Cancer Support (Rock Rose House ) operate a free counselling/therapy service every Tuesday from the Ballina Family Resource centre. Ring Jean on (087 ) 2804164 to book an appointment.
Mayo Dyspraxia DCD Support Group
Are you a practitioner, parent, teacher, SNA, working with children with Dyspraxia / Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD )? Would you like to gain some ideas and strategies to support the children you work with? If so, then why not attend this fun, practical and informative one day workshop led by Sharon Drew. Drew is an international trainer and a well known author of many practical resources for schools and therapists in the UK. These include the Smart Moves Motor Programme, Movers and Creators, Take Ten for Fine Motor Skills, Fidget Busters and Can't Play Won’t Play. The course will take place on Thursday November 29 in the Twin Trees Hotel in Ballina from 9am to 3pm, the cost is €80. For further information and booking, please contact Dyspraxia/DCD Ireland on (01 ) 8747085.
25 cards in Eachléim
A 25 card game takes place in Ionad Deirbhile Heritage Centre Eachléim on Thursday nights at 8.30pm.
Common Sense Parenting Course
A six week (two hours per week ) Common Sense Parenting Course for parents of children aged from six to 16 years will be held in the Irish Wheelchair Association Building, Logmore, Belmullet. This course is for parents, guardians or grandparents who want to build on their existing parenting skills or want to learn new ways to deal with their children’s behaviour. The course will run from 10am to 12 noon for six consecutive Tuesdays, starting Tuesday November 6. Total cost is €20. For more information and to book a place, contact Michelle O’ Mahoney on (087 ) 7059705 or email: m.omahoney@mayofamilysupport.ie.
Arthritis and fibromyalgia - health and nutrition workshop
The Mayo Branch of Arthritis Ireland is holding a one-day workshop on Arthritis Health and Nutrition on Thursday November 8 from 10am to 4pm in the Broadhaven Bay Hotel, Belmullet. To book your place call (087 ) 1661279 or email arthritismayobranch@gmail.com.
Belmullet Community Futures
Belmullet is currently taking part in the Mayo Community Futures programme, which allows local residents and businesses to have a say in the future of their town. The Belmullet Community Futures steering committee will distribute questionnaires on Wednesday and Thursday, November 14 and 15. They will then be collected on Monday, November 19. All questionnaires are completely anonymous and will be collected in sealed envelopes.