St Angela’s College open day


On the shores of Lough Gill and still only minutes from Sligo Town, St Angela’s College, Sligo, offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate/part-time degree programmes.

As a college of NUI Galway, all college programmes are accredited by the University, offering the only university-level education in the region.

The academic departments of Education, Home Economics, Nursing, Health Sciences and Disability Studies, offer undergraduate programmes in: Home Economics Teacher Education (which includes a choice of a second teaching subjects: Biology, Religious Education, Irish ); Nutrition, Food and Business Management; and nursing degrees (General and Intellectual Disability ).

St Angela’s College invites prospective students to consider these innovative programmes when making their course choice through the CAO for 2019. The college offers an Access Programme for school leavers and mature students who wish to study at third level. Participants who successfully complete this access course are eligible to apply for direct entry to full-time degree courses at St Angela’s College or NUI Galway.

St Angela's College Open Day is on Friday October 19 from 10am to 3pm. This event offers prospective students, their parents and career guidance teachers an opportunity to visit its unique campus, speak to staff and students about the institution’s offerings and gain an insight into student life at St Angela’s College.

A number of talks are scheduled for the day as well a campus tour. A free shuttle bus service is also available from Sligo Train Station to the College.

For more information on St Angela’s College Open Day visit the following link on the College Website, Sligo or contact Seán Kelly on (071 ) 9195512 or or visit


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