CAB currently carrying out four investigations in Mayo

The Criminal Assets Bureau are currently carrying out four investigations in Mayo it was revealed on Friday morning.

Patrick Clavin, chief bureau officer with the Criminal Assets Bureau was in the county to address the quarterly meeting of Mayo County Council’s Joint Policing Committee in Ballina.

Clavin outlined to the members the work the bureau carries out on a day to day basis - and called on the members to get the public to report any person they believe is living beyond their means through proceeds of crime.

He told the meeting that members of the public need not worry that they would have to give evidence in court after the report such suspicions - as the bureau do not call people who make reports as witnesses.

The bureau chief outlined to the meeting that the bureau do not have sub divisions working in counties throughout the country, but they have a number of garda members trained as investigative profilers in each county and currently in Mayo there are eight trained profilers.

In relation to the current investigations under way in the county he told them that there is one full investigation underway at present with three more preliminary investigations ongoing in the county.


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