Writers invited to apply for John Broderick residency programme

Westmeath County Council, in partnership with the Arts Council, has invited writers from across all genres to apply to become the inaugural John Broderick writer in residence, based in Athlone.

Athlone-born John Broderick (1924-1989 ) was an Irish novelist of international renown, who on his death in 1989 left monies to the Arts Council for the “benefit, assistance and advancement of the arts in Athlone.”

Following a partnership agreement with the Arts Council, Westmeath County Council is now accepting applications from writers for the first of three artist residency programmes, beginning with literature in 2018.

The writer’s residency is worth €15,000 across a 10 week period to the recipient, who will be expected to spend 20 hours a week on the residency, including time for their own work and public engagement.

Interested candidates are invited to submit a proposal on their approach to the residency and a full CV, including details of previous public engagement work, and the name and contact details of two referees to arts@westmeathcoco.ie.

The closing date for receipt of applications in Thursday, March 1 at 3pm. Full details are available at www.westmeathcoco.ie


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