Time to reconnect with your garden

Although it may seem as though winter still has us in its grip, it is getting weaker by the day and spring is around the corner.

As we gear up for another growing season, now is the perfect time to reconnect with your garden whenever you have a chance.

It has been a particularly wet and dirty winter in these parts, with more than the usual amount of mud and last year’s brown leaves still lingering in corners. When you venture outside and really look at what is happening, though, you can see that the garden has been busy, even though all but the hardiest gardeners have probably not been doing much in the way of gardening for the last few months.

Spring bulbs are already poking their sturdy little tips through the soil, with snowdrops already in full swing. Crocuses will not be long, and very soon the earliest narcissi, in particular the little golden “Tete a Tete” and “February Gold”, will be scattering sunshine wherever they bloom. Catkins are unfurling on alder, birch and hazel.

It is still very early days and we could be in for several more weeks of freezing weather, not to mention hail, rain, and sleet, but these tiny signs of life serve to remind us that the year is turning, the days getting longer, even though you may not quite notice it yet. We have a fresh, new year ahead of us, with all the possibilities that brings.

Whenever you can, wrap up warmly and head into the garden, even if it is just for five or 10 minutes on a Saturday morning. Bring a hot mug of tea if that helps, and work your way around your plot from one corner to another, looking, noticing, and really seeing the tiny little signs that life is still going on. Let the early birdsong gladden your heart.

Go outside and reconnect!


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