Moran urges public to lend support to Fuchsia Appeal

Minister of State for the Office of Public Works, Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran, is urging the public to support the annual Fuchsia Appeal.

The appeal raises much-needed funds for the Organisation of National Ex-Service Personnel (ONE ).

Minister Moran attended the official launch of the appeal in Merrion Square this week, attended by the Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces, Vice Admiral Mark Mellett DSM, and the Minister of State for the Defence Forces, Paul Kehoe.

“I would strongly urge the public to support this very worthy appeal. The main drive of the appeal takes place during the month of July which is the month of the National Day of Remembrance,” said Minister Moran.

“ONE do tremendous work in coming to the assistance of those retired Defence Force personnel who need help including in the area of providing accommodation.”

ONE officially opened Custume House at Bonavalley, Athlone, in November 2006 and is a seven-bedroom facility.

“ONE needs around €600,000 annually to keep its current residences operating, including at Athlone, making the Fuchsia Appeal all the more important each year,” said Minister Moran.

“It must be remembered that our retired Defence Force personnel gave outstanding service to the State and to the United Nations. It is only right and fitting that those who require our help have their welfare needs looked after.”


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