Programme for this summer’s Brideswell Festival announced

One of the highlights of the Roscommon summer events calendar, Brideswell Pattern Festival, is set to celebrate in traditional style this July.

Taking place between Friday, 28 and Sunday, 30 July this year marks Brideswell Annual Pattern’s 60th year since its revival in 1957.

Brideswell Pattern Festival celebrates all aspects of County Roscommon’s, heritage, craft, farming and most importantly – family, in a range of events designed to suit everyone’s tastes.

Friday, July 28 kicks off with a Stetsons and Stilettos Night in the festival marquee with MC comedian, Frank Ford. There will be a country bbq, line dancing with the opportunity for everyone to get involved followed by live band The Buckleys. This promises to be a great night of entertainment for all the family.

Saturday, July 29, boasts a number of festival highlights including the inaugural Brideswell Pattern Cycle with three routes offering something for cyclists of all abilities - a challenging 120km route, a 50km route, and a 10km family cycle, including a food stop and after-cycle refreshments. There will be a walk in association with the local defibrillator group followed by a GAA blitz for local teams. This will be followed by dancing with Declan Nearney and his band supported by Seamus Moore ('The JCB Man' ) with special guest Shane Moore in the festival marquee till late.

Sunday, July 30 sees an action-packed schedule of events starting with the Annual Pattern Mass followed by a cake sale in aid of Brideswell National School and Wheel of Fortune. There will also be a kids tractor run, children’s workshops, entertainment, and amusements, and the annual traditional stations. And at 4pm the inaugural Brideswell Pattern Festival Soapbox Run will kick off, an event certainly not to be missed!

The Gerry O’Malley Memorial Raffle will take place on Pattern Sunday evening and Brideswell Pattern Festival committee are proud to host Derek Ryan and his band. The Cowboy Roadshow will act as a support act so come early to enjoy a night that will certainly be one to remember.

In addition, local pubs O’Connell’s and Hamrock’s will have music running throughout the weekend.

For more information see, call Tomas on (086 ) 0876933, email [email protected] or find the festival on Facebook.


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