Calpol searching for a little teething character

Calpol knows that the teething period can be painful and uncomfortable for babies and indeed a trying time for parents.

To celebrate the fun side of teething and its milestones, Calpol has launched a nationwide search for a little teething character!

Teeth usually begin to appear between six and nine months, and during this time babies try to chew on anything in sight. Teething symptoms to look out for include sore red gums where a tooth is coming through and flushed cheeks. Some babies may be slightly more irritable than usual and dribble a lot more.

As this can be a rather uncomfortable process for your little one, Calpol has put together some top teething tips to help soothe the pain:

Cool your baby’s teething ring in the fridge, if suitable; provide cool drinks or soft foods such as yogurt; play with him or her to distract them from the pain of their gums; try an infant liquid paracetamol-based medicine; Calpol Infant Suspension can be used for most babies from two months if they weigh more than 4kg and are not premature. Calpol Infant suspension contains paracetamol. Always read the label.

Despite the ups and downs of the teething period, there are precious moments to capture and look forward to as well. These include cute gappy grins, crazy faces, or the times you catch your little one chewing away happily in their own little world.

To enter, log onto and upload a picture of the very first tooth, the epic dribbling, or a satisfying chomp on the perfect teething toy.

To enter visit to upload photos and details. The top three silly faces and teething dribble superstars will win a professional family photo shoot, a family pass for a selected Irish attraction, and the chance to be the face of Calpol’s 2017 Facebook page.

The closing date for entries is June 18.


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