‘Back to Beauty’ initiative to tackle litter black spots

The regional launch of the ‘Back to Beauty’ initiative took place in Áras an Chontae, Mullingar this week.

This new initiative is giving support to community groups who want to tackle a litter black spot in their area. The scheme is being established to give longevity to the National Spring Clean that runs for the month of April.

Cathaoirleach Frank McDermott said when launching the scheme: “This initiative is welcomed in every corner of the county and is a great opportunity for communities to get involved and be supported in their endeavours by the local authorities,” he said.

“Community groups, Tidy Towns, residents associations, and individuals together with the county councils do tremendous work fighting the battle of illegal dumping and fly tipping and extra support like this will make a massive difference to any group that gets involved.”

In 2016, Westmeath County Council received and investigated 898 reports of littering offences.

Ruth Maxwell, Westmeath County Council, said: “While every complaint is investigated the lack of evidence to prosecute can be a problem. Westmeath County Council have a freephone number to report illegal dumping/fly tipping – 1800 819 000 – and every call received will be investigated.”

Anyone interested in applying for assistance under the Back to Beauty initiative can submit information to awareness@westmeathcoco.ie or post to Ruth Maxwell, Environment Department, Westmeath County Council, Áras an Chontae, Mullingar.

Those submitting need to include contact name, phone number, the location of the black spot, photos of the area, a description of the job and resources required to tackle it (skip, machinery, etc ), and an estimate of the cost.


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