One in five Irish households overheat homes

Irish consumers could be unwittingly wasting hundreds of euro on their energy bills by overheating their homes, according to new research from

While 45 per cent of Irish people claim to set their winter heating to between 18 and 21 degrees, one in five crank up the heating to match summertime temperatures in the Costa del Sol! Meanwhile, a quarter of people do not know what temperature their heating is set to, meaning they may not be in control of their energy usage or bills.

Each increase of one degree on the thermostat increases heating bills by up to 10 per cent, so having the heating set too high could be a costly mistake. The average household energy bill today is an eye-watering €2,060 per year, with a large proportion of this being down to home heating. This means that households could save a packet by managing the temperature at home.

There is definitely room for some of us to turn the thermostat down a notch or two, as one in five admit to wearing summer clothes like t-shirts, vest tops, or tank tops when basking at home in winter.

Actively managing your home heating can make a significant difference to energy bills. As well as using a thermostat to manage the temperature, using a timer to control when heating comes on and off is another really good way to reduce energy usage and cost. It is not efficient to leave heating on all day, so setting it to come on when you are at home will have a positive impact.’s top energy saving tips can also help customers cut valuable euros off their bills.

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