As a way of marking Poetry Day Ireland, Westmeath County Library is offering the public a chance to hear award-winning poet, Noel Monahan, give a talk on John Montague - one of the 20th century giants of Irish poetry.
The talk will last approximately 45 minutes with time allowed for discussion afterwards. The event should appeal to all lovers of Irish poetry because it deals with an Irish poet who made his mark both nationally and internationally.
John Montague was the author of more than 30 books of poetry, essays, memoir, and short stories. In 1998 he was named the first Ireland Professor of Poetry, a three-year appointment to three Irish universities (north and south ), established in the spirit of the Good Friday Agreement.
Montague was honoured by the French Government in 2010 by being made a Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur and was the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Bord Gais Energy Irish Book Awards last year.
Noel Monahan is well equipped to deliver this talk, which he calls ‘Inner and Outer Landscapes: a closer look at John Montague’s poetry’, as he is himself a former teacher and a practising poet. His own work has been translated into French, Italian, Romanian, and Russian. A collection of his poems in French was published in 2015.
This talk with take place in the Aidan Heavey Library on Thursday, April 27, at 3.30pm. Admission is free but booking is essential. To book your place call (090 ) 6442157 or e-mail