Tour of Lakelands Cycle to highlight mental health awareness

The first ‘Tour of the Lakelands Cycle Challenge’ in aid of Pieta House Athlone and Good2Talk Mental Health Services will take place on Saturday, April 15.

The novel cycle, which will incorporate three legs - Mullingar to Athlone, Athlone to Longford, and Longford back to Mullingar - is set to attract a large crowd with cycling enthusiasts and families alike taking part. An Taoiseach Enda Kenny will be taking part on the day, having been invited by organisation committee member and local Fianna Fáil Deputy, Robert Troy.

“I am delighted the Taoiseach has agreed to participate as we are hoping to attract across-the-board support for the event, which we envisage growing into an annual awareness fundraiser for mental health services in the Midlands,” Deputy Troy said.

Volunteers are being sought to help on the day in Athlone and on the route. All proceeds will go to Pieta House Athlone and Good2Talk Mullingar and Longford.

For more information or to sign up as a volunteer contact or visit the ‘Tour of the Lakelands’ Facebook page.

The race takes place on Saturday, April 15, at 9am. You can register for the race online by going into


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