We spend a significant amount of our lives in work, about 35 per cent of our waking hours to be precise, yet we spend a relatively small amount of time thinking about what we want from work.
To put it another way, we spend little time answering the question: what work will give the most fulfillment? It is easy to get stuck in a rut and resign yourself to settling on the mantra of ‘It’s a job and it pays the bills’. Why not expect more from your working life?
One way to get started is to identify aspects of your current job that make you happy together with thinking about: the type of work place environment you would like; other career possibilities that utilise your current knowledge and skillset; how well the job matches up with who you really are; the skills you possess that are not used in your existing role.
We are all the masters of own destiny, but unfortunately most of us do not put enough time into deciding what we want out of our working lives. As a result, it can be shaped by accident rather than by design.
Why not make an appointment with career coach Pádraig O’Connor today and get the job you deserve. Call (087 ) 7058989 or email coachyourgoal@gmail.com. Sessions are conducted from The Dancing Soul, Monksland Business Park, Athlone.