Discover the magic of the five-minute miracle

Bernie Doyle started her story of discovery about 10 years ago, when she met a wonderful lady who introduced her to energy healing. From there she discovered the ‘five-minute miracle’.

“My life at that time would have been hard due to lack of control, trust, faith, and belief in myself,” says Bernie.

“I would compare myself to a wounded animal with a thorn in her paw, snapping at life and reacting to everything, but unaware of the thorn being there in the first place. I lived completely in my head, totally disconnected from my spirit. This affected my mental health.”

When she started to practise the five-minute miracle, a daily guided meditation, she started to feel better.

“The five-minute miracle is miraculous and has opened up a whole new world to me. The journey of life is full of highs and lows, and that will continue, but what’s different is your ability to deal with what life presents to you.”

What is needed, according to Bernie, is a willingness to change, an awareness that both the problem and the solution lie in you, and an awareness of how you feel about yourself, whether positive or negative.

The practice is as simple as sitting each day and giving yourself your full attention.

“I always thought it was important to know where you are going in life, but after the experience of the five-minute miracle I feel the important thing is to enjoy your journey. See the five-minute miracle as housekeeping; you are checking in with how you feel.

“Fear was the underlying emotion in me, and that coloured my whole life. As a result of all the fear I adopted all these attachments to make me secure, but attachments will bleed you dry. Some obvious attachments are drugs, drink, need for approval, need to be liked, need to be right.”

Bernie’s journey prompted her to create a CD and booklet on the five-minute miracle, and to start a programme of classes. A new class starts on Wednesday March 8 at the Creggan Court Hotel, Athlone commencing at 7pm. To book a place, please contact (087 ) 2453947.

The CD is available from SuperValu in Monksland. For more information see


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