Community Diary

Athlone Alzheimer's Café

The next Athlone Alzheimer's Café will take place on Friday, November 18 in St Kieran's Community Centre from 2-4pm. It is a relaxed space for people with dementia, their relatives, carers, and professionals to socialise and discuss health and emotional issues in a friendly atmosphere over tea and cake. Fiona Beattie, community dementia support nurse, will give a talk entitled 'What is dementia?'. You are very welcome to come along and join this support group.

Athlone Community College

Athlone Community College Parents Association will host a Rachel Allen Cookery Demonstration and Christmas Fair in the Hodson Bay Hotel on Thursday, November 24. The event is kindly sponsored by Tormeys Solicitors, Savoury Fare, and BAM Facilities Management. Tickets are available from Athlone Community College, Hodson Bay Hotel, Tormey Solicitors, and Savoury Fare in Monksland, Irishtown, and Fernhill. For ticket enquiries call (087 ) 2637264 or (090 ) 6472625.

Athlone Gramophone Society

Athlone Gramophone Society is holding its 'Open Night' tonight, Thursday November 3. Anyone who enjoys good music in comfortable and relaxing surroundings is invited to the Prince of Wales Hotel at 8.15pm - no charge. Noel Henry will be presenting his choice of music, information, and chat.

Athlone Regional Sports Centre

Take on the 10-week Channel swim challenge at Athlone Regional Sports Centre. Swim the length of the Channel, either 32km or the 64km return swim, at your own pace over 10 weeks to support Pieta House, starting from November 7. Donate up to €20 during the challenge and Athlone RSC will match it. For more information call in, phone (090 ) 6470975, or see

Athlone Table Tennis Club

Athlone Table Tennis Club continues throughout the winter on Monday and Wednesday nights at 7.30pm in St Mary's Hall, Northgate Street. Eight tables are available and bats can be provided if required. All levels welcome.

Ballykeeran Residents Association

The AGM of the Ballykeeran Residents Association will be held on Monday, November 14 at 9pm in the Dog & Duck. All are welcome.

Castledaly GAA

The Monster Auction annual fundraiser takes place this Sunday, November 6 at 2pm at the Community Centre, Moate. All donations of saleable goods or services are appreciated. Contact Joe Sheerin at (087 ) 2472389 for more information or to arrange collections.

Christmas flower arranging

Christmas flower arranging classes take place in A Room in Bloom, Garden Vale, Athlone, beginning on November 7 on Mondays or Tuesdays from 7-9pm, for five weeks. To book your place or for more details please call (090 ) 6433645.


GROW Community Mental Health Movement meets on a Wednesday evening at 7.30pm in the Belhavel Training Centre, Athlone. If you feel anxious, isolated, or suffering from stress why not join them and learn a practical psychology of mental health. All are welcome. Contact Assumpta on (086 ) 8114135. For more information see or call 1890 474 474.

Line dancing classes

Line dancing classes take place at Athlone GAA Club every Tuesday evening at 7pm. All are welcome and no partner is required. Any enquiries phone (086 ) 1099388.

Moate Golf Club 'Movember'

The men’s club are looking for volunteers to take on the Movember Challenge. This will be a joint fundraiser to buy some much-needed buggies and also make a donation to the club's regular charity Westmeath Hospice. Sponsorship cards are available in the clubhouse, and the shave-off is planned for November 27.

Moate Museum and Historical Society

The Moate Museum and Historical Society will host an illustrated lecture by Paula Lalor in the Grand Hotel, Moate on Monday, November 7 at 8.15pm, entitled 'The Queen is Coming! - Queen Victoria's Visits to Irish Country Houses 1849 - 61'.

The society will hold a table quiz in the Grand Hotel, Moate on Friday, November 18 at 9pm. Tables of four, prizes galore. All proceeds will go towards the cost of heating the museum.

Mount Temple Parent and Toddler Group

The group meet every Wednesday morning in Mount Temple Hall from 10am-12pm to enjoy some play activities and a healthy snack. For parents it is a great way to meet new friends and share your stories with others. Bring your baby or toddler along and join in the fun.

Remembrance Day service

A Remembrance Day Service will take place on Sunday, November 6 at 7.30pm in the Prince of Wales Hotel to remember all those who laid down their lives for freedom in the Great War and subsequent conflicts. The service will be led by Rev Jonathan Creane. Refreshments will be served afterwards and all are welcome.

Samaritans Christmas Concert

The Samaritans 25th Annual Christmas Festival Concert will be held in the Franciscan Friary, Athlone on Thursday, December 8 at 8pm. It will feature the Army Band, tenor David Martin, soprano Niamh McCormack, St Brigid's Community Choir, and the compère will be RTÉ's Cathal Murray. Tickets priced €12 are available in the Friary. The Samaritans are available 24 hours a day on Freephone 116 123 for anyone who needs to talk to someone in confidence.

Southern Gaels

Rise up and hurl: Calling all retired hurlers (30/40+ ) to come and join the fun and social hurling games every Tuesday night from 9-10pm at Athlone Regional Sports Centre. All are welcome. Contact (087 ) 2253350 for more information.

St Kieran's Community Centre

Bingo on Tuesday nights commences at 8.30pm.

Now taking names for beginner computer classes in the adult education room.

Active Age Group is on Wednesdays from 10am-12pm, which includes cookery, art, beauty, hairdressing, keep-fit, and newly formed choir.

Tumble Tots parent and toddler group is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am-12pm.

Tai chi takes place on Wednesday from 7-8.30pm.

The NA Support Group meets on Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm.

An Aware Support Group takes place on Thursdays at 8pm.

Irish dancing is on Thursdays from 5-7.30pm.

An AA Support Group takes place at noon on Sunday.

The knitting/crochet group meets on Monday night at 7pm.

For more details ring Jenny/Anne (090 ) 6450272 or email

Tuar Ard upcoming events

Mount Temple Drama Group presents The Chastitute by John B. Keane from November 9-12 at 8pm. Tickets are €12 / €10.

As part of Ireland’s Heartland Heritage Festival 2016, the Midlands Connemara Pony Breeders Group presents a lecture entitled The Origin and Evolution Worldwide of the Connemara Pony by Henry O’Toole on Wednesday, November 16 at 7pm. Free admission.

The Irish Kennel Club International Conference on 'Dog Breeds of Irish Origin' takes place on Friday, November 18 at 6pm. Free admission.

For information and bookings phone (090 ) 6482042 or email


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