Pádraig O’Connor is a career coach and certified psychometric tester based in Athlone and serving the greater midlands and western region.
“In my experience, many people find the idea of making a career change appealing, however very few act on it,” Pádraig says. “If you look at any recent studies conducted on job satisfaction, you will find that most people are dissatisfied with their current job and, unfortunately, this trend has been getting worse over the past 20 years.”
So what can you do about it? The simple answer is to work with a career coach to help you identify: aspects of your current job that make you happy; the type of work place environment you would like; other career possibilities that utilise your current knowledge and skillset; whether your current job matches up with who you really are and if not what job would; the actions you need to do to get the job you will enjoy.
“We are all the masters of own destiny, but unfortunately most of us do not put enough time into deciding what we really want out of our lives,” Pádraig says. “As a result, our working life is shaped by accident rather than design. I was guilty of this for a long time, but when I took action I have not looked back. If I can do this, you can too.”
Why not make an appointment with Pádraig O’Connor today and get the job you deserve.
For more information or to make a booking call (087 ) 7058989 or email coachyourgoal@gmail.com. Sessions are conducted from The Dancing Soul, Monksland Business Park, Athlone.