Hottest trend in skincare this year

Cosmecuetical products have been the hottest trend in skincare this year, says Deirdre O’Dowd, operations manager at Therapie Clinic. All of the bloggers are raving about the benefits of using proper active ingredients in your skincare regime.

People are now starting to become aware why they should be choosing cosmecuetical skincare brands for results as opposed to general over-the-counter products.

“The main difference between cosmeceutical skincare brands and over-the-counter cosmetics is the concentration of active ingredients. Cosmeceutical products contain many more active ingredients and in much higher concentrations. These active ingredients can therefore penetrate deeper into the dermis layer of the skin, which results in more visible, longer-term benefits,” says Deirdre.

The following active ingredients are most commonly found in cosmeceutical skincare brands; glycolic acid (AHA ), vitamin C, retinol (vitamin A ), niacinamide (vitamin B3 ), hyaluronic acid, and antioxidants. These all help encourage cell renewal and provide protection from environmental damage. They are all used because they have been scientifically developed to produce impressive, fast-acting, and noticeable results.

Therapie Clinic stock a cosmeceutical brand called Image Skincare whose philosophy is to use superior ingredients to achieve outstanding results.

Therapie Clinic also offer Image Skincare peels. You can shed your fear from the past that skin peels are potentially harmful, wounding, or even damaging; Therapie Clinic’s Image treatments offer today’s most advanced skincare peels that deliver the main peeling agent with a twist. Potent peeling ingredients are blended with maximum concentrations of healing and soothing properties like green tea, vitamin C, comfrey, and chamomile.

Therapie Clinic’s most popular peel is their revolutionary four-layer facelift which will change the appearance of your skin in just one application. Vitamin C, glycolic acid, and highly active enzymes speed up cellular turnover and brighten, tighten, and lighten your skin in just one treatment. Image peels can be applied literally during a lunch break - then back to work!

Image Skincare products are very reasonably priced with cleansers ranging from €30-36.

Although cosmeceutical products are suitable for all skin types, some products may not be suitable in certain circumstances. For this reason, we suggest you visit Therapie Clinic so a professional can assess your skin and offer you the best advice to achieve your desired result in no time!

To find out what cosmeceutical products or treatments would be best suited for your skin, pop into Therapie Clinic, Fairview Terrace, Athlone or call (090 ) 6433606. For more information visit


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