Moran urges local authorities to avail of funding to tackle flash flooding

Independent Deputy for Longford-Westmeath, Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran, is encouraging local authorities to avail of a minor flood relief works programme for schemes costing up to €500,000.

The move follows a reminder from Minister of State with special responsibility for the Office of Public Works and Flood Relief, Seán Canney, of the availability of the Flood Relief and Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Coastal Protection Scheme. Deputy Moran is urging local authorities to make the best possible use of the scheme in dealing with localised fluvial (flash ) flooding.

The Minor Works Scheme was introduced by the OPW in 2009 following the severe flooding that year. The scheme generally applies where a solution can be readily identified and achieved in a short time frame. The works to be funded are carried out under local authority powers and ongoing maintenance of the completed works is the responsibility of the council.

“The work of the local authorities in this regard is of great importance, and never more so than in carrying out their principal response agency role during major flood events such as we experienced last winter,” Deputy Moran said. “I am actively encouraging local authorities to avail of this funding scheme which to date has been very successful, bringing relief and considerable benefit to many homeowners.”

Through the scheme, applications are considered for projects that are estimated to cost up to €500,000 in each instance. Funding of up to 90 per cent of the cost is available for approved projects.

“I know from working closely with Minister Canney that he is looking forward to further progress being made in this regard through each authority’s continued co-operation with his office in the finalisation of the Flood Risk Management Plans under the CFRAM Programme, the implementation of major schemes under the OPW’s flood capital works programme, and the operation and continued success of the Minor Works Scheme,” Deputy Moran added.


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