Reduce wrinkles and sagging skin with silica

Silica is a necessary trace element in the human body. As a main component of collagen, it is critical for the formation of joint cartilage, ligaments, tendons, bone and lung tissue, blood vessels, as well as skin, hair, and nails.

Silica provides structural stability and strength to body tissue. It converges in calcification sites in bone tissue, helping with the uptake of calcium. Silica is very valuable as an anti-ageing agent. When silica is deficient, it shows as sagging skin devoid of elasticity. We are born with adequate silica in our bodies, which declines with age.

Hair becomes thicker and fuller, nails strengthen and grow faster, and skin shows a noticeable reduction in wrinkles within about a three-month period of supplementing with silica.

Possible signs associated with a deficiency in silica include prematurely ageing skin, poor hair and nail quality, and osteoporosis. Silica-rich foods include oats, oat-bran, brown rice and rice-bran, wheat-bran, and vegetables. However this greatly depends on the level of silica in the soil at growing. The over-refining and processing of our grains and cereals are causing valuable nutrients such as silica to be lost. Nettles are a good source of silica, but best of all is the wild weed horsetail, which many consider a nuisance in the garden. It is the most valuable source of silica as the roots travel many feet into the ground absorbing a variety of nutrients from the soil.

Silica from horsetail is available in capsules, tea, and juice. The juice is valuable for those suffering from stomach complaints as it coats the lining of the whole digestive tract, easing discomfort and aiding healing.

For further information contact Susan in Au Naturel, Irishtown, Athlone on (090 ) 6487993.


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