Waiting lists for Therapie Clinic’s new ancient Chinese weight loss tea

Yo Tea is flying off the shelves at Therapie Clinic locations nationwide.

The 400-year-old traditional Chinese recipe has made headlines recently as a revolutionary blend of herbs and tea, rapidly becoming a global phenomenon credited with fast, effective, weight loss.

Irish men and women are enjoying the benefits of an all-natural product that helps boost metabolic rate and cleanse the digestive system to maximise weight loss.

Yo Tea has a certificate of approval for health food made in China, stating that it has a proven weight loss effect. The product is a specially selected blend of herbal ingredients which can help to facilitate what scientists call “fat oxidation” - burning the body’s fat reserves as fuel.

One hundred per cent safe and natural, Yo Tea is available exclusively at Therapie clinics nationwide. Celebrity fans of the tea reportedly include Jennifer Lopez, Sophia Dahl, and Victoria Beckham. Special offers are available.

Yo Tea is available in Therapie Clinic, Garden Vale, Athlone. Call (090 ) 6433606 for more information.


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