Community Diary

Athlone GAA

Athlone GAA hosts Shop from my Closet in the clubhouse and bar this Friday, June 10 at 7pm until late! A fabulous array of ladies clothes, bags, belts, and shoes, new and barely used, will be on sale in the clubhouse. After you've shopped until you drop enjoy a glass of wine or a cocktail or two and some nibbles. Everyone is welcome for what promises to be a great night.

Bingo takes place in the clubhouse every Thursday at 8.30pm. Loads of cash prizes. Everyone welcome.

Underage football for boys and girls age 4-12 continues every Sunday at 11.30am. New players are always welcome and never hesitate to bring a friend. Any queries, contact David O'Connell at (087 ) 2397519.

Athlone Table Tennis Club

Athlone Table Tennis Club will continue to operate throughout the summer on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7.30pm in St Mary's Hall, Northgate Street. There are eight tables available for use and bats are provided. All are welcome.

Ballinasloe Singers Circle

The next Ballinasloe Singers Circle will be held this Thursday, 9 June at 9.30pm in the Dunlo Tavern Ballinasloe. The organisers hope that the regular followers will continue their support and invite anyone interested in singing, telling a scéal, or just listening to come along. Admission is free, but do come early for a seat. This is the last Singers Circle until September as the group takes a break for the summer. A big thank you to everyone who has supported the circle over the past months.

Castledaly GAA

Castledaly GAA annual 5K Fun Run and 10K Road Race will take place on Sunday, June 19 at noon, with registration from 10am at the GAA clubhouse. Fees as per last year, adults €10, U16s €5, families €20. There will be refreshments afterwards and activities for kids on the playing fields during the race. Thanks to everyone for their continued support.

Castledaly Playground Group

A table quiz fundraiser for Castledaly Playground Group will be held on Friday, June 10 at 9pm in Fitzgeralds Lounge, with proceeds going to upkeep, maintenance, and costs of the popular local community play area that has been especially busy during these wonderful weeks of sunshine. Please support.

Coach House Art Group

The Coach House Art Group will be hosting its annual coffee day and art exhibition on Saturday, June 11 from 11am-3pm in the East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support Centre, Brackenagh, Ballinasloe. All very welcome.

Dún na Sí Amenity and Heritage Park

A family fun day in Dún na Sí Amenity and Heritage Park takes place on Father's Day, Sunday, June 19. If you can support this event in aid of the park either by contributing items for stalls or volunteering to help out, please contact (087 ) 9306308.

Garrycastle Ladies

A medal presentation takes place this Saturday, June 11 for the Garrycastle Ladies U14 Féile Team who will represent Westmeath at the end of the month in Limerick. There will be a cake sale and car wash, starting at 2pm, as well as an underage game and a presentation to Gaelic 4 Girls. The day will be rounded off by music and a draw in Dan's Tavern.

IPWD to hold AGM

Independent People with Disabilities will hold their Annual General Meeting in the Prince of Wales Hotel, Athlone on Thursday, July 14 at 7.30pm. Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural Resources Denis Naughten will open the meeting. Guest speaker on the night will be Olivia Lennon from Athlone who has an acquired disability and is currently searching for employment.

Moate Memorial Garden

A coffee morning to raise funds for the 1916 Moate Memorial Garden will take place in Tuar Ard coffee shop on Friday, June 10 from 9.30am-12.30pm. Please come along and offer your support.

Moate Town Park

Support St Hilda’s Services while exercising (gentle warm-up followed by a walk/jog ) in the park every Tuesday and Thursday from 7.30-8.30pm. Participants are invited to contribute €2 a night which will go towards St Hilda’s project in the sensory garden in the park.

St Kieran's Community Centre

Bingo takes place on Tuesday night commencing at 8.30pm.

The centre is now taking names for all computer classes taking place in its adult education room.

St Kieran's is also taking names for Irish classes which will commence soon. A new Irish conversation group is taking place on Tuesday from 10.30am.

Irish dance classes take place every Thursday evening for beginners from 4.30pm to 6.30pm.

The Active Age Group meets on Wednesdays from 10am to 12pm, with loads of activities on offer including cookery, art, beauty, hairdressing, keep-fit, and choir. Horticulture takes place on Monday mornings.

The Tumble Tots parent and toddler group meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 12pm with lots of fun things for the children to do.

Tai Chi takes place on Wednesday from 6.30-7.30pm and from 7.40-8.45pm.

An NA Support Group meets on Wednesday and Friday from 8pm.

The Aware Support Group for Athlone come together on Thursday at 8pm.

AA Support Group Sunday 12pm.

The knitting/crochet group is going strong on Monday night at 7pm. Come along and share your creative ideas!

The centre is now enrolling for the September 2016 free two-year Government Initiative. Contact Jenny on (090 ) 6452072 for more details.

For more details ring Jenny/Anne (090 ) 6450272 or email

Tuar Ard upcoming events

International singer/songwriter Max T. Barnes is in concert with Roslyn, Liam O’Connor, and Olivia Douglas on Saturday, June 11 at 8pm. Tickets are €12.

Phil Vassar is in concert with The Sheerin Family Band on Tuesday, June 28 at 8pm. Tickets are €18.

Uisneach, an exhibition by artist Sheila Martin, is on display in the Bob Traynor Gallery for the summer months.

For all bookings and enquiries phone (090 ) 6482042 or email


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