Community Diary

Afternoon tea in aid of Athlone Hospice

Join Johnny and Tom Conlon in their home in Nahad, Mount Temple on Sunday, June 5 from 4pm till late for afternoon tea in aid of this worthy cause. All welcome. Phone (086 ) 8827429 for more information.

AIT Athletics Club

There were some great performances by AIT AC Juvenile Athletes in the Connaught Schools finals which took place in AIT on Friday, May 20. Raphael Salaja stormed to first place in the boys minor 100 metres. In the minor girls 1500 metres Rebecca Lowe finished in first place, 100 metres ahead of her nearest rival. In a very strong field in the girls intermediate 1500 metres, Lisa Gavin ran a brave and determined race to secure third place.

Other AIT AC athletes who competed in the finals included Anna Donovan and Lena Gacquin. Well done to Maeve Derwin who completed the double by winning the minor girls 800 and 1500 metres races in emphatic style. The club would like to wish all the athletes the best of luck in the All Ireland finals later in the summer. For updates see

Athlone GAA bake sale

A cake/cupcake bake sale will take place in the clubhouse this Sunday, May 29 from 12.30pm; please support.

'Shop from my Closet' takes place in Athlone GAA Club on Friday, June 10 from 7pm until late! A fabulous array of new and barely used ladies clothes, bags, belts, and shoes will be on sale. After you’ve shopped until you drop, enjoy a glass of wine or a cocktail and some nibbles. All donations of ladies clothing will be gratefully accepted into the clubhouse on Sunday, May 29 between 11am-1pm.

Athlone Gramophone Society

This Thursday, May 26 will be the final meeting for this season. Tonight will be a 'Bring Your Own' night when members are asked to select their favourite piece and share both the music and the reason it is special for you. This is always a popular format and the group looks forward to a full house in the Prince of Wales Hotel at 8.15pm. For more news see Athlone Library Bealtaine Festival

As part of this year’s celebrations, Athlone Library is inviting you to a gathering, to share old days and old ways, and fond memories. Meet up in the library at 6pm on Thursday, May 26. And do bring along a pal - there will be refreshments for all.

Athlone Musical Society

Athlone Musical Society will hold their annual general meeting on Tuesday, May 31, at 8pm, in the Dean Crowe Theatre. Any proposals to amend the constitution must be submitted by Friday, May 27. Both members and non-members are welcome to attend.

Athlone Table Tennis Club

Athlone Table Tennis Club will continue to operate throughout the summer on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7.30pm in St Mary's Hall, Northgate Street. There are eight tables available for use and bats are provided. All are welcome.

Athlone Towncentre Style Sensation

The annual Style Sensation Fashion Showcase takes place on Saturday, May 28, hosted by Suzanne Jackson from So Sue Me. Suzanne will host a series of mini fashion shows, kicking off at 1pm, featuring all of the latest arrivals to your favourite stores in Athlone Towncentre. This event is completely free and there will be some great giveaways and fab prizes up for grabs.

The style showcase will be produced by the talented team from Catwalk Modelling Agency and will also feature the five finalists in the Midlands Model Search Competition. The winner will be announced at the end of the event.

Castledaly GAA

Castledaly Fit Club continues on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6.30pm at the GAA grounds, with Junior Fit Club at 6.30pm followed by the Seniors. The club are organising a fun run on June 19, and look forward to everyone's involvement in this annual fun event.

Dún na Sí Amenity and Heritage Park

A Family Fun Day in Dún na Sí Amenity and Heritage Park takes place on Father's Day, Sunday, June 19. If you can support this event in aid of the park either by contributing items for stalls or volunteering to help out, please contact (087 ) 9306308.

St Brigid's Primary School, Moate

A 5k Fun Run in aid of St Brigid's Primary School, Moate will take place on Sunday, May 29. Registration starts at 10.30am at the school on the Station Road with the run commencing at 11am. There will be prizes for first lady, first gent, and best fancy dress. Walkers are also welcome. Registration is €10 for adults, €5 for children, with family concessions available. For information phone (090 ) 6481740 or (087 ) 2252593.

St Kieran's Community Centre

Bingo takes place on Tuesday night commencing at 8.30pm.

The centre is now taking names for all computer classes taking place in its adult education room.

St Kieran's is also taking names for Irish classes which will commence soon. A new Irish conversation group is taking place on Tuesday from 10.30am.

Irish dance classes take place every Thursday evening for beginners from 4.30pm to 6.30pm.

The Active Age Group meets on Wednesdays from 10am to 12pm, with loads of activities on offer including cookery, art, beauty, hairdressing, keep-fit, and choir. Horticulture takes place on Monday mornings.

The Tumble Tots parent and toddler group meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 12pm with lots of fun things for the children to do.

Tai Chi takes place on Wednesday from 6.30-7.30pm and from 7.40-8.45pm.

An NA Support Group meets on Wednesday and Friday from 8pm.

The Aware Support Group for Athlone come together on Thursday at 8pm.

AA Support Group Sunday 12pm.

The knitting/crochet group is going strong on Monday night at 7pm. Come along and share your creative ideas!

The centre is now enrolling for the September 2016 free two-year Government Initiative. Contact Jenny on (090 ) 6452072 for more details.

For more details ring Jenny/Anne (090 ) 6450272 or email

Tuar Ard upcoming events

Uisneach, a new exhibition by artist Sheila Martin, will open in the Bob Traynor Gallery on Friday, May 27 at 8pm and run for the summer months.

Big Tree Players presents Many Young Men of Twenty by John B. Keane on Saturday, May 28 at 8pm. Tickets are €10/€8.

For bookings phone (090 ) 6482042 or email

Tubberclair GAA

A table quiz will take place in the Bounty on Saturday, June 4, at 8pm. This is another great social opportunity for people to get together for a social night out and a great way to kick off the bank holiday weekend. Teams of four per table are invited and the cost is €10 per person. Refreshments will be served on the night and a raffle plus spot prizes will also take place. Contact anyone from the club committee if you wish to enter a team, or just turn up on the night.


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