Inter-departmental approach needed to rejuvenate rural towns – Dolan

Fine Gael Councillor, John Dolan, is calling for an inter-departmental approach to regenerate provincial and rural towns.

Cllr Dolan is calling for three key Government departments - housing; jobs; and enterprise, innovation, and finance - to join forces to examine what measures can be taken to put life back into provincial and rural towns which have suffered greatly since the recession hit eight years ago.

“I’m asking the Ministers Simon Coveney, Mary Mitchell O’Connor, and Michael Noonan to now take a collaborative approach in terms of providing the necessary incentives and support for business growth and job creation and retention in towns and village centres, and to do this in tandem with dealing with challenges in the housing sector,” Cllr Dolan said.

“I’m very pleased to see in the Programme for Government that the renewal of towns and villages will be a top priority for the Government. To deliver on this goal, the new Minister for Regional Development and Rural Affairs will develop a new and improved Town and Village Renewal Scheme, with input from the Oireachtas, in time for Budget 2017.”


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