Timeline of the Rising - an evening of readings, music, and song at Athlone Little Theatre

Athlone Little Theatre is to host an evening of readings, music, and song inspired by the events of the Easter Rising, Trí Cheol, Filíocht agus Amhranaíocht. It will take place on Friday April 22, almost 100 years to the day since the reading of the Proclamation.

The carefully selected performance pieces will represent a chronological map of the events leading up to and immediately following the Rising itself, incorporating a wider perspective on the impact of these events.

Members of Athlone Little Theatre will convey the power of the spoken word through the poetry of a number of Ireland's most inspired writers, including Seamus Heaney, WB Yeats, and Padraig Pearse.

These will be interspersed with music from the Costello sisters, and a special rendition of P.G O'Dea's 'Dear Love', sung by well-known soloist William Byrne.

This evening is a unique opportunity to experience the drama and emotion of the spirit of the rebellion, with compelling performances by some of Athlone's most experienced actors and musicians, including Ray Collins, Richard Brennan, Anne Hoey, and Mel O'Flynn.

Timeline of the Rising, Trí Cheol, Filíocht agus Amhranaíocht, will run on Friday, April 22 at 8pm in Athlone Little Theatre, St Mary's Place, Athlone. Admission is free, no booking is required, but places are strictly limited, and will be available on a first come, first served basis. Refreshments will be provided.

This event is supported by Westmeath County Council and the Department of Arts Heritage and the Gaeltacht.


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