Flamingos relaunch taking place this Saturday

Flamingos Café Bar is relaunching under new management this coming weekend.

New manager Brendan Callaghan is having a launch night this Saturday, April 10, from 1pm to 4pm.

Go along and enjoy a carvery dinner at only €8 per head with children under the age of 12 eating for free.

In the evening relax with music from 9pm until late, with lots of drinks promotions on offer all evening. For more information call (090 ) 6491965.

Flamingos Bar caters for special occasions such as christenings, communions, confirmations, birthday parties, and more. They can also provide a DJ for your event if requested. The bar can cater for your event with finger food, buffet style, or table service with options of curries, chicken and mushroom vol-au-vents, beef stroganoff, roast beef or chicken, mash, veg, salads and chips.

To book an event or party, or for more information, call (090 ) 6491965 or see FlamingosBarAthlone on Facebook.


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