Funding for Westmeath heritage projects

The Heritage Council has announced funding for a number of heritage projects in County Westmeath under its 2015 community-based Heritage Grants Scheme.

Two local schemes that have received funding include the Hill of Uisneach and Athlone Arts and Tourism.

The Hill of Uisneach will receive a grant of €5,000 to help with the first phase of their conservation plan. The hill is an exceptionally rich cultural landscape and ‘royal site’ traditionally regarded as the umbilical centre of Ireland. The study will characterise and assess the heritage significance of Uisneach and its associated values to facilitate effective management and conservation.

Athlone Arts and Tourism Ltd have received €2,000 for a training course - Irish Museum Association Museum Basics Training in Athlone. This training course would be most beneficial to the staff and management of Athlone Arts and Tourism and would act as a stepping stone towards entering the Heritage Council Museum Standards Programme.


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